Director's Word

According to the WHO, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. It is both a perception and a representation, if we take into account the social determinants of health, which are true indicators of well-being. Integrating these determinants into our interventions enables communities to feel more involved in healthcare, so that the Cameroonian population remains in good health... Read More


Recent news


Listing of Legal Persons receiving Approvals/Authorizations/Homologations issued by the DPS (in particular SDAN, SDHA), as appropriate or at the cost of sanctions.

  1. Entreprise A
  2. Entreprise B
  3. Entreprise C
  4. Entreprise D
  5. Entreprise E
  6. Entreprise F
  7. Entreprise G
  8. Entreprise H
  1. Entreprise A
  2. Entreprise B
  3. Entreprise C
  4. Entreprise D
  5. Entreprise E

Listing of Products with Approvals/Authorizations/Homologations issued by the DPS (in particular SDAN, SDHA), as appropriate or at the cost of sanctions.

  1. Product A
  2. Product B
  3. Product C
  4. Product D
  5. Product E
  6. Product F
  7. Product G
  8. Product H
  1. Produit A
  2. Produit B
  3. Produit C
  4. Produit D
  5. Produit E

DPS Motto

A population involved in promoting health and guaranteed healthy behaviour.